The Full Story
The purpose of the SBMTNA shall be to enhance and preserve the quality of life in keeping with the social, wellness, educational, environmental and cultural needs to encourage the active participation and interest of the residents. To this end, the SBMTNA may, but is not limited to sponsoring cooperative planning, research, fundraising, public education programs as deemed necessary, provided they are consistent with one or more of the purposes set forth in Sections 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or applicable corresponding section of the law, and of all acts, purposes and powers authorized by law for a non-profit organization.

To preserve the historical residential neighborhood.

Together Neighbor with Neighbor will work to protect the health, safety and welfare of residents through a community planned neighborhood, increase single family dwellings, street design guidelines for healthy neighborhoods, ensure community policing, provide rent control, social amenities such as a community center, open space, parks, community garden and small economic neighborhood retail services that meet the needs of the resident, and support of strong neighborhood institutions such as schools to make sure the children have the best education system.