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Martineztown Santa Barbara Neighborhood
Needs You
to donate today
SBMTNA is convinced the City of Albuquerque and development community want to eliminate the Martineztown Santa Barbara residential area and gentrify the neighborhood.
The neighborhood is in a legal battle to stop a physical therapy hospital from being built at 3-story at 1100 Woodward NE which will bring more traffic on a narrow historic road and impacting the residents quality of life. The City Engineer stated that Mountain Road was not conducive for any type of travel.
The City Council on October 21, 2024 approved an MX-H zone for the subject property, a zone category that is detrimental to any residential neighborhood.
Join Martineztown Santa Barbara Neighborhood and stop the continued destruction of the neighborhood and elimination of an historical neighborhood.
Donate today to SBMTNA $100 or another amount at the following website or Go Fund Me - Save Martineztown Santa Barbara Neighborhood.
To avoid credit card fees make check to SBMTNA and mail to 1127 Walter NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102
If you have questions call SBMTNA at (505)270-7716

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